► Do you accept large breeds of dogs for care?
Unfortunately we do not offer services for large dog breeds for care. We only cater for small breed dogs.
► What do you consider small breeds?
Some examples included but are not limited to, are Boston Terrier, Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, Dachshund, Jack Russell Terrier, Maltese, Miniature Dobermann, Miniature French Poodle, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzer, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Pug, Scottish Terrier and Yorkshire terrier. If you are unsure please contact us for assistance.
► Do you put dogs in a kennel?
Our visitors roam freely under supervision.
► Where do they stay?
Dogs sleep indoors in home and always have access to home and garden.
► Do you take care of special needs?
► Is it necessary to bring my dog for a pre-visit before booking-date?
Yes, your dog’s behaviour amongst other dogs must be observed.
► When is the dog care available?
► Do you feed the dogs?
Meals are served at 06:00 and 15:00 and for puppies another meal in between.
► How will my dog be taken care of when an illness occurs?
You will be notified and with your permission your dog will be taken to a vet.
► Do you offer grooming services?
Unfortunately not.
► How big is the area?
Outdoors about 2500 m2.
► Which vaccinations are necessary?
Although your dog may seem healthy, the following annual vaccinations are compulsory:
► My dog has a skin condition. Will he be accepted?
If pre-treated for such a condition before visiting, a vet’s clear statement in writing that the condition is not contagious, must be handed in on arrival.
► What do we need to supply?
► What about ticks, fleas and intestinal parasites?
Pre-treat your dog in advance with appropriate medication from your vet. Deworming is also advisable.
► At what age must my small breed dog be neutered/spayed?
Six months of age.
► My dog was recently spayed/neutered. What about post-op care and removing of stitches?
Special care will be given to your dog. If there is any concern, the dog will be taken to the vet.
► May I bring my dog’s own bedding?
No, bedding is provided.
► How is my dog’s weight determined?
Dog will be weighed on arriving.
► Is transportation available for collecting and delivering?
No. Unfortunately you must collect and deliver your pet.
► When do I pay?
On the day your dog leaves the hotel.
A deposit of 50% is required if a dog stays 30 days or longer and is payable when booking the dog in.
► May I pay with a card?
Monday – Friday
07:00 – 09:30 & 16:30 – 17:30
07:00 – 09:30
Sunday & Public Holidays
Office closed
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